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Skipping Christmas by John Grisham - Review, Summary, Analysis & Facts

Skipping Christmas by John Grisham

Table of Contents:

1. Book Details

Full Title:

Skipping Christmas





Number of Pages:

198 pages

Author - Who Wrote?

John Grisham

Publication Date:

November 6, 2001

Country & Original Language:

United States, English


The story is set in the fictional neighborhood of Hemlock Street in the town of Hemlock, Illinois, during the Christmas season.

Point of View:

The story is primarily told from the third-person omniscient point of view, providing insights into the thoughts and perspectives of multiple characters.


  • Luther Krank: The protagonist, a middle-aged man who decides to skip Christmas.

  • Nora Krank: Luther's wife, who supports his decision to skip Christmas.

  • Blair Krank: Luther and Nora's daughter, who is away on a Peace Corps mission.

  • Vic Frohmeyer: Luther's neighbor and friend.

  • Walt Scheel: Another neighbor who plays a significant role in the story.

  • Spike Frohmeyer: Vic's daughter, who is friends with Blair.

  • Various other neighbors and characters in the Hemlock Street community.

2. Synopsis

"Skipping Christmas" by John Grisham is a comedic novel that revolves around Luther and Nora Krank, a couple who decide to skip the traditional Christmas celebrations and embark on a Caribbean cruise to avoid the holiday madness. The Kranks' decision to forgo the usual festive rituals, including decorations and gift-giving, creates quite a stir in their neighborhood.

As the Kranks try to escape the holiday frenzy, they find themselves at odds with their friends and neighbors who are determined to uphold the Christmas traditions. The community's reaction to the Kranks' unconventional choice leads to a series of humorous and unexpected events.

Amid the chaos, the novel explores themes of societal expectations, the commercialization of Christmas, and the true meaning of the holiday season. Through a blend of satire and heartwarming moments, "Skipping Christmas" offers a lighthearted and entertaining take on the challenges and joys of the festive season.

3. Summary

"Skipping Christmas" by John Grisham is a comedic novel that follows the Kranks, Luther and Nora, as they attempt to opt out of the traditional Christmas celebrations in their suburban neighborhood. The decision to skip Christmas arises from their desire to escape the holiday chaos and embark on a Caribbean cruise instead. What ensues is a humorous and chaotic journey as the Kranks face resistance from their friends and neighbors who are determined to uphold festive traditions.

The story begins with Luther Krank, a successful accountant, realizing that the upcoming Christmas season is both financially and emotionally draining. His daughter, Blair, is away on a Peace Corps mission, and Luther sees an opportunity to break free from the consumerism and stress associated with the holidays. He proposes the idea of skipping Christmas to his wife, Nora, who initially hesitates but eventually agrees to the unconventional plan.

The Kranks decide to use the money typically spent on Christmas festivities for a luxurious cruise. They plan to leave just days before Christmas, avoiding the usual shopping, decorating, and socializing. However, their decision doesn't sit well with their neighbors and friends, particularly Vic Frohmeyer, Luther's close friend and neighbor.

Vic is the unofficial leader of the neighborhood and takes it upon himself to ensure that everyone adheres to the customary Christmas traditions. When Vic learns about the Kranks' plan, he is determined to bring Christmas spirit back to Hemlock Street. The neighborhood's reaction is mixed, with some expressing disapproval, while others are secretly envious of the Kranks' escape.

As the Kranks prepare for their trip, they face numerous obstacles and challenges. The neighborhood becomes increasingly involved in their lives, with people trying to persuade them to participate in various festive activities. From carolers to Frosty the Snowman decorations, the community's efforts to make the Kranks embrace Christmas become more and more absurd.

Vic, in particular, takes it upon himself to organize a Christmas Eve party, expecting the Kranks to join in. The pressure builds as the Kranks try to resist the community's expectations, leading to comical situations and misunderstandings. Meanwhile, Blair announces her unexpected return home for Christmas, adding another layer of complexity to the Kranks' plans.

In the midst of the chaos, Luther begins to question the true meaning of Christmas and whether the pursuit of a perfect holiday is worth sacrificing genuine happiness. The story explores themes of societal pressure, the commercialization of Christmas, and the importance of family and community.

As Christmas Eve approaches, the Kranks find themselves caught between their desire for a stress-free vacation and the realization that the holiday spirit is not easily escaped. The narrative reaches its climax during the Christmas Eve party, where the community's efforts to include the Kranks culminate in unexpected and heartwarming moments.

In the end, "Skipping Christmas" delivers a message about the transformative power of community, the value of genuine connections, and the importance of embracing the holiday spirit in one's own way. The novel combines Grisham's signature wit and humor with a reflective exploration of the traditions and expectations that surround the Christmas season.

4. Analysis (symbols, themes etc)


  1. Consumerism and Materialism:

  • Description: The novel critiques the excessive consumerism associated with Christmas, highlighting how the holiday has become a commercialized event focused on buying and spending.

  • Examples: The emphasis on expensive decorations, elaborate gifts, and the financial strain placed on families during the holiday season.

  1. Societal Expectations:

  • Description: The story explores the pressure to conform to societal expectations, particularly during the holiday season. The Kranks' decision to skip Christmas challenges the neighborhood's norms, leading to both humorous and reflective moments.

  • Examples: Vic Frohmeyer's role as the neighborhood leader and enforcer of Christmas traditions.

  1. Individualism vs. Community:

  • Description: The tension between individual choices and the desire for community and togetherness is a recurring theme. The novel suggests that while individuality is important, shared experiences and connections with others contribute to the true spirit of Christmas.

  • Examples: The Kranks' attempt to prioritize personal preferences clashes with the communal expectations of the neighborhood.

  1. Reflection on Traditions:

  • Description: The narrative prompts readers to reflect on the meaning and significance of holiday traditions. It questions whether certain customs are genuinely meaningful or merely followed out of habit.

  • Examples: The Kranks' decision to skip Christmas leads to a reevaluation of the importance of various traditions.

  1. Family and Relationships:

  • Description: The importance of family and relationships is a central theme. The absence of the Krank's daughter, Blair, and her unexpected return underscore the significance of familial bonds during the holiday season.

  • Examples: Luther's evolving perspective on family and the impact of Blair's return on the family dynamic.


  1. Frosty the Snowman:

  • Symbolism: Frosty becomes a recurring symbol representing the neighborhood's collective effort to restore the Christmas spirit. The inflatable Frosty serves as a visual representation of the community's determination to bring the Kranks into the fold.

  • Significance: It highlights the sometimes absurd lengths people go to in their pursuit of holiday traditions.

  1. Christmas Tree:

  • Symbolism: The Christmas tree traditionally symbolizes the holiday season. In the novel, the decision not to put up a tree becomes a symbolic act of rebellion against established norms.

  • Significance: The absence of a tree represents the Kranks' deviation from traditional Christmas celebrations.

  1. Caroling:

  • Symbolism: Caroling is a communal activity that embodies the neighborhood's attempts to enforce traditional Christmas practices. It represents the collective voice of the community.

  • Significance: The insistence on caroling reflects the community's resistance to the Kranks' attempt to deviate from established norms.

  1. Christmas Eve Party:

  • Symbolism: The Christmas Eve party organized by Vic Frohmeyer symbolizes the culmination of the neighborhood's efforts to bring the Kranks back into the fold. It represents the importance of communal gatherings during the holiday season.

  • Significance: The party becomes a turning point in the story, leading to moments of reflection and connection.

  1. Cruise Brochure:

  • Symbolism: The cruise brochure serves as a symbol of the Krank family's desire for a non-traditional, stress-free holiday. It represents their escape from the pressures of the season.

  • Significance: The brochure becomes a recurring visual reminder of the family's unconventional Christmas plans.

Critique of Consumerism:

The novel takes a sharp look at the materialism associated with Christmas. Luther Krank's decision to skip the holiday is fueled by a desire to break free from the financial strain and consumerist aspects of the season. Grisham highlights how the pressure to buy gifts, decorate lavishly, and host elaborate gatherings can overshadow the true spirit of Christmas.

Social Expectations and Conformity:

The Kranks' decision to skip Christmas becomes a focal point for the neighborhood, exposing the rigid social expectations and the desire for conformity. Vic Frohmeyer, as the unofficial leader of the community, embodies the societal pressure to conform to traditional holiday norms. The novel explores the tension between individual choices and societal expectations, prompting reflection on the nature of community and belonging.

Humor and Satire:

Grisham employs humor and satire to lampoon the absurdities of holiday traditions and the lengths to which people go to uphold them. The exaggerated reactions of the neighbors, the over-the-top attempts to bring Christmas to the Kranks, and the comedic situations the family finds themselves in contribute to the novel's light-hearted tone.

Transformation and Reflection:

As the story unfolds, Luther Krank undergoes a personal transformation. Initially driven by a desire to escape the chaos, Luther's journey becomes a reflective exploration of the true meaning of Christmas. His questioning of the holiday's conventions and the realization that genuine happiness transcends materialistic traditions add depth to the narrative.

Community and Togetherness:

While critiquing societal pressures, the novel also emphasizes the importance of community and togetherness. Despite the humorous situations, there is an underlying warmth in the relationships among neighbors. The Christmas Eve party becomes a catalyst for genuine connections and underscores the idea that shared experiences and camaraderie are integral to the holiday spirit.

Family Dynamics:

The absence of the Krank's daughter, Blair, serves as a poignant element in the story. Her unexpected return home introduces a layer of family dynamics, emphasizing the significance of familial bonds during the holiday season. The novel suggests that, ultimately, family is at the heart of the Christmas spirit.

Irony and Paradox:

Grisham employs irony and paradox throughout the novel. The Kranks' attempt to escape Christmas leads to an even more chaotic and eventful holiday season. The irony lies in the contrast between their desire for a peaceful vacation and the increasing frenzy surrounding their unconventional choice.

Cultural Commentary:

Beyond its comedic elements, "Skipping Christmas" serves as a cultural commentary on the evolving nature of holiday traditions. Grisham invites readers to question the necessity of certain rituals and to consider the authenticity of their own celebrations.

5. Review

John Grisham's "Skipping Christmas" offers a delightful and humorous departure from traditional holiday novels, providing a refreshing take on the season that is both entertaining and thought-provoking.

Why It's Recommended:

  1. Laugh-Out-Loud Humor:

  • Grisham's wit and humor shine throughout the narrative, turning the Kranks' attempt to skip Christmas into a series of comical misadventures. The novel's light-hearted tone makes it a perfect read for those seeking a good laugh during the holiday season.

  1. Societal Satire:

  • The book offers a clever critique of societal expectations and the commercialization of Christmas. Grisham's satirical approach provides a humorous lens through which readers can reflect on the absurdities of holiday traditions and the pressures to conform.

  1. Universal Themes:

  • While centered around Christmas, the novel explores universal themes such as the tension between individual choices and community expectations, the significance of family bonds, and the quest for genuine happiness. These themes make "Skipping Christmas" relevant and relatable beyond the holiday context.

For Whom It's Recommended:

  1. Fans of Humorous Fiction:

  • If you enjoy light-hearted and humorous fiction, "Skipping Christmas" is a perfect choice. Grisham's comedic storytelling keeps the narrative engaging from start to finish.

  1. Those Seeking a Holiday Escape:

  • Recommended for individuals looking to escape the typical holiday chaos. Whether you're in need of a break from festive stress or just want a cheerful read during the season, the novel provides an enjoyable escape.

  1. Readers Interested in Societal Commentary:

  • The book is a great fit for readers who appreciate literature that offers social commentary in a humorous manner. Grisham's exploration of societal expectations adds depth to the comedic narrative.

Why It's Worth Reading:

  1. Unique Take on the Holidays:

  • "Skipping Christmas" stands out as a unique and unconventional holiday novel. The premise of a couple attempting to opt-out of Christmas sets the stage for a narrative that defies traditional expectations, offering a fresh and entertaining perspective on the holiday season.

  1. Blend of Humor and Heart:

  • While delivering laughs, the novel also manages to touch on heartfelt moments, particularly in the exploration of family dynamics. The blend of humor and heart makes "Skipping Christmas" a well-rounded and emotionally resonant read.

  1. Quick and Enjoyable:

  • With its relatively short length and engaging plot, the book is a quick and enjoyable read. Perfect for a cozy afternoon or as a companion during holiday travel, "Skipping Christmas" provides a satisfying and entertaining experience without demanding a significant time commitment.

6. About the Author


John Grisham, born on February 8, 1955, in Jonesboro, Arkansas, is an accomplished American author best known for his legal thrillers. Before venturing into the world of writing, Grisham studied law and practiced criminal defense and personal injury law in Southaven, Mississippi. His legal background greatly influences the intricate legal plots and courtroom dramas that characterize many of his novels.

Literary Career:

Grisham's literary career took off with the publication of his first novel, "A Time to Kill," in 1989. However, it was his second novel, "The Firm" (1991), that catapulted him to international fame. Since then, Grisham has consistently produced bestsellers, with many of his books adapted into successful films, contributing to his reputation as one of the world's best-selling authors.

Known for his prolific output, Grisham has explored various genres beyond legal thrillers. "Skipping Christmas" (2001), a comedic novel, showcases his versatility as a storyteller, proving that he can entertain readers with humor as effectively as he captivates them with suspense.

Key Works:

  1. "A Time to Kill" (1989)

  2. "The Firm" (1991)

  3. "The Pelican Brief" (1992)

  4. "The Client" (1993)

  5. "The Runaway Jury" (1996)

  6. "Skipping Christmas" (2001)


Throughout his career, Grisham has achieved numerous accolades and milestones. He has been a fixture on bestseller lists, and several of his books have been adapted into successful films, including "The Firm," "The Pelican Brief," and "The Client." His impact on the literary world extends beyond his commercial success, as he has also been involved in philanthropy, supporting various charitable causes.


John Grisham's influence on the legal thriller genre and popular fiction, in general, is undeniable. His ability to blend legal expertise with compelling storytelling has earned him a dedicated readership worldwide. Whether delving into intense courtroom dramas or exploring the lighter side of holiday traditions, Grisham continues to captivate audiences with his engaging narratives.

As a versatile author, philanthropist, and literary icon, John Grisham's impact on the literary landscape remains enduring, and his contributions to the world of storytelling continue to resonate with readers across generations.

7. Book Club Questions

"Skipping Christmas" by John Grisham - Book Club Discussion Questions:

  1. Tradition and Nonconformity:

  • How does the Kranks' decision to skip Christmas challenge traditional holiday expectations? In what ways does the novel explore the tension between adhering to societal norms and forging one's own path?

  1. Community Dynamics:

  • Explore the role of community in the novel. How do the neighbors' reactions to the Kranks' decision reflect societal expectations? Discuss the significance of Vic Frohmeyer as a representative of the community.

  1. Consumerism and Commercialization:

  • How does the novel critique the commercialization of Christmas? Are the Kranks justified in trying to avoid the financial pressures associated with the holiday season? In what ways do the characters grapple with materialism?

  1. Humor and Satire:

  • Discuss the use of humor and satire in the book. How does Grisham employ comedic elements to address serious themes? Share your favorite humorous moments and the impact they had on your reading experience.

  1. Character Development:

  • Analyze the transformation of Luther Krank throughout the story. How does his perspective on Christmas and family evolve, and what triggers this change? Consider the significance of Blair's return in the context of family dynamics.

  1. Cultural Commentary:

  • In what ways does the novel offer commentary on holiday traditions and cultural expectations? How does Grisham's portrayal of Christmas traditions prompt readers to reflect on their own celebrations?

  1. The Role of Blair:

  • Explore Blair's character and her role in the narrative. How does her absence and subsequent return impact the Kranks and the overall storyline? Discuss the themes of family and relationships as they relate to Blair.

  1. Frosty the Snowman and Other Symbols:

  • Examine the symbolism of Frosty the Snowman and other elements in the novel, such as the Christmas tree and caroling. How do these symbols contribute to the story's themes and comedic elements?

  1. Community Pressure and Individual Choices:

  • Consider the pressures faced by the Kranks from their neighbors. How do the characters navigate the tension between individual choices and the expectations of the community? Discuss instances where characters challenge or conform to societal norms.

  1. Personal Reflections:

  • Share your personal reactions to the novel. How did it influence your perspective on holiday traditions, family dynamics, and societal expectations? Did the humor and satire resonate with you, or did you find yourself reflecting on deeper themes?

  1. Adaptation to Film:

  • If applicable, discuss the film adaptation, "Christmas with the Kranks." How does the cinematic portrayal compare to your interpretation of the book? What elements do you think were successfully translated from page to screen?

  1. Alternative Endings:

  • Consider alternative ways the story could have unfolded. How might the narrative have differed if the Kranks had stuck to their original plan or if the community had been more accepting of their decision?

8. Reading Plan

Day 1-2: Pages 1-20

  • Start your reading by covering the first 20 pages. This initial section introduces the Kranks and sets the stage for their decision to skip Christmas. Pay attention to the humor and character dynamics.

Day 3-4: Pages 21-60

  • Progress to pages 21-60. Explore the unfolding events as the Kranks' decision becomes known to their neighbors. Note the reactions and conflicts arising in the community.

Day 5-6: Pages 61-100

  • Continue with pages 61-100. Delve into the middle section of the book, focusing on the Kranks' preparations and the escalating efforts of the neighborhood to bring them back into the Christmas celebrations.

Day 7-8: Pages 101-140

  • Cover pages 101-140. As you approach the latter half of the book, observe how the narrative builds towards the climax. Take note of any shifts in character perspectives and the intensifying community dynamics.

Day 9-10: Pages 141-198

  • Conclude your reading with the final 57 pages. This section encapsulates the resolution of the story, including the Christmas Eve party and the aftermath. Reflect on the overarching themes and how the characters evolve by the end of the novel.

9. Facts & Curiosities

  1. Genre Departure:

  • "Skipping Christmas" is a departure from John Grisham's usual legal thrillers. It showcases his versatility as an author, demonstrating his ability to successfully venture into comedic fiction.

  1. Film Adaptation:

  • The book was adapted into a film titled "Christmas with the Kranks," released in 2004. The film starred Tim Allen as Luther Krank and Jamie Lee Curtis as Nora Krank.

  1. Title Change for Film:

  • The film adaptation used a different title, "Christmas with the Kranks," possibly to emphasize the Christmas theme more explicitly.

  1. Setting Inspiration:

  • The fictional neighborhood of Hemlock Street in Hemlock, Illinois, serves as the setting for the novel. Grisham chose this setting to create a typical suburban environment that would resonate with a broad audience.

  1. Holiday Tradition Parodies:

  • Grisham satirizes various holiday traditions throughout the book, from extravagant decorations to caroling. The exaggerated portrayals add to the comedic tone of the novel.

  1. Inspiration for the Story:

  • Grisham has mentioned in interviews that the inspiration for "Skipping Christmas" came from observing the holiday frenzy and societal expectations. The novel allowed him to explore these themes in a humorous and entertaining way.

  1. Cultural Commentary:

  • While the book is a comedy, it also serves as a commentary on the commercialization of Christmas and the pressures individuals face to conform to societal expectations during the holiday season.

  1. Publication Date Timing:

  • "Skipping Christmas" was published in 2001, a few months after the September 11 attacks. Its release provided readers with a lighthearted escape during a challenging time in global history.

  1. Bestseller Success:

  • Despite being a departure from Grisham's usual genre, "Skipping Christmas" became a bestseller, attesting to the author's ability to captivate readers across various literary styles.

  1. Holiday Traditions Impact:

  • Some readers have reported that reading "Skipping Christmas" has influenced their own holiday traditions. The book's humorous take on the stress and expectations of the season prompts reflection on personal celebrations.

10. FAQ

1. What is "Skipping Christmas" about?

  • "Skipping Christmas" follows the story of Luther and Nora Krank, a couple who decide to skip traditional Christmas celebrations and go on a cruise instead. The novel explores the comedic consequences of their decision and the reactions of their neighbors.

2. Why did John Grisham write a holiday comedy?

  • John Grisham, primarily known for legal thrillers, wanted to try a different genre. He was inspired by observing the holiday frenzy and societal pressures, leading him to explore these themes in a humorous and entertaining way.

3. Is "Skipping Christmas" suitable for the holiday season?

  • Yes, "Skipping Christmas" is a great holiday read. Its humor, satire, and exploration of holiday traditions make it a light and enjoyable choice for the festive season.

4. How does the book approach Christmas traditions?

  • The novel satirizes various Christmas traditions, from decorations to caroling. It exaggerates these elements to highlight the absurdities of societal expectations during the holiday season.

5. Was "Skipping Christmas" made into a movie?

  • Yes, the book was adapted into a film titled "Christmas with the Kranks," released in 2004. The movie stars Tim Allen and Jamie Lee Curtis as Luther and Nora Krank.

6. Is the film adaptation faithful to the book?

  • While the film follows the basic premise, there are some differences between the book and the movie. Some details and events are altered for cinematic purposes, but the overall spirit of the story remains.

7. Does the book offer any deeper themes beyond humor?

  • Yes, amidst the humor, "Skipping Christmas" explores themes such as the commercialization of Christmas, societal expectations, and the importance of family and community during the holiday season.

8. How long is "Skipping Christmas"?

  • The book has approximately 198 pages, making it a relatively quick and enjoyable read.

9. Can I enjoy "Skipping Christmas" even if I haven't read other John Grisham books?

  • Absolutely! "Skipping Christmas" is a departure from Grisham's legal thrillers, and it stands alone as a comedic novel. You don't need to be familiar with his other works to enjoy this holiday tale.

10. Is "Skipping Christmas" appropriate for all ages?

  • The book is generally suitable for a wide audience. However, readers should be aware of some comedic situations and themes that may be more appreciated by adult readers.

11. Books Related

If you enjoyed "Skipping Christmas" by John Grisham and are looking for books with similar themes, humor, or holiday settings, here are some recommendations:

  1. "The Christmas Chronicles" by Nigel Slater:

  • A delightful mix of recipes, stories, and musings on Christmas traditions. Slater combines food and nostalgia in a heartwarming exploration of the holiday season.

  1. "Holidays on Ice" by David Sedaris:

  • A collection of humorous essays by David Sedaris that provides a satirical take on various holiday traditions. Sedaris's wit and keen observations make this a laugh-out-loud read.

  1. "The Best Christmas Pageant Ever" by Barbara Robinson:

  • A classic children's book that offers a humorous and heartwarming story about the chaos caused by the Herdman siblings in a small town's Christmas pageant.

  1. "Christmas at the Vinyl Cafe" by Stuart McLean:

  • A collection of Christmas stories featuring the characters from Stuart McLean's popular Vinyl Cafe radio show. These charming and funny tales capture the spirit of the holiday season.

  1. "The Stupidest Angel: A Heartwarming Tale of Christmas Terror" by Christopher Moore:

  • A comedic and offbeat novel that blends horror and holiday cheer. Moore's unique storytelling style adds a hilarious twist to the Christmas genre.

  1. "A Redbird Christmas" by Fannie Flagg:

  • Fannie Flagg's heartwarming novel set during the Christmas season in a small town. It explores themes of community, friendship, and the magic of the holidays.

  1. "Skipping Christmas" by Jancee Dunn:

  • A memoir that shares the author's humorous and insightful experiences as she and her husband decide to skip Christmas traditions and create their own unique celebration.

  1. "Christmas Shopaholic" by Sophie Kinsella:

  • Part of the Shopaholic series, this holiday-themed novel follows Becky Brandon (née Bloomwood) as she navigates the challenges of Christmas shopping and family gatherings.

  1. "A Christmas Carol" by Charles Dickens:

  • A timeless classic that explores the transformative power of Christmas. Dickens' tale of redemption and generosity remains a must-read during the holiday season.

  1. "The Twelve Clues of Christmas" by Rhys Bowen:

  • A cozy mystery set during the Christmas season, featuring amateur sleuth Lady Georgiana Rannoch. The story combines mystery, humor, and a festive atmosphere.


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