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Identity by Nora Roberts - Review, Summary, Analysis & Facts

Identity by Nora Roberts

Table of Contents:

1. Book Details

Full Title:

Identity: A Novel




Romantic Suspense

Number of Pages:

437 pages

Author - Who Wrote?

Nora Roberts

Publication Date:

May 23, 2023

Original Language:



Small town of Bickford in Vermont

Point of View:

Third person


Morgan Albright, Gavin (Luke), Brooks Gleason, Miles Jameson, Nina

2. Synopsis

"Identity" by Nora Roberts is a gripping romantic suspense novel that follows Morgan Albright, a resilient former Army brat who, after a traumatic incident involving a con artist named Gavin, is forced to flee her life in Baltimore and seek refuge in her mother's home in Vermont. Gavin, a cold-hearted murderer, continues to hunt Morgan as she attempts to rebuild her life. The story explores themes of identity, resilience, and the power of community, weaving together elements of suspense, romance, and personal growth. As Morgan navigates the challenges of trust and love, she must confront her past and the relentless threat posed by Gavin. The novel masterfully combines intricate character development, a vivid small-town setting, and a thrilling plot to deliver a captivating and thought-provoking read.

3. Summary

"Identity" by Nora Roberts unfolds the gripping tale of Morgan Albright, an Army brat turned Baltimore resident, whose life takes a dark turn when she unknowingly invites a dangerous con artist named Gavin into her home during a dinner party. The intrusion results in the murder of her roommate Nina and a shocking revelation: Morgan was the real target. Gavin, a cold-hearted killer, steals Morgan's identity and assets, setting off a chain of events that leaves her with no choice but to flee to her mother's home in Vermont.

As Morgan struggles to rebuild her shattered life, Gavin continues his spree of targeting and murdering women, leaving ominous reminders that he's fixated on Morgan as the one who got away. Despite finding solace in Vermont and forming new connections, Morgan lives under the constant threat of Gavin's pursuit. The novel intricately explores the aftermath of identity theft, the trauma of loss, and the tenacity required to rebuild.

Against the backdrop of a small Vermont town, Morgan finds support in a new romantic interest, Miles Jameson, whose family runs a local business. The story weaves together themes of resilience, trust, and the power of community. While Morgan tries to forge a fresh start, Gavin's obsession intensifies, leading to a thrilling climax where Morgan must confront her past and find the strength to face the relentless threat.

"Identity" is a masterfully crafted blend of suspense, romance, and personal growth, enriched by vivid character development, an atmospheric small-town setting, and unexpected twists that keep readers on the edge of their seats. Nora Roberts delivers a thought-provoking narrative that delves into the complexities of personal identity, the enduring effects of trauma, and the courage required to embrace a new beginning.

4. Analysis


  • Identity and Resilience: The central theme revolves around personal identity, particularly in the face of trauma and identity theft. Morgan's journey to reclaim her life after the devastating events highlights the resilience of the human spirit.

  • Power of Community: The novel emphasizes the significance of community in overcoming adversity. Morgan finds support in the small town of Vermont, showcasing how connections with others can aid in healing and rebuilding.

  • Romance and Trust: The romantic elements in the story contribute to the overall narrative, exploring the themes of trust and vulnerability in the aftermath of betrayal and loss.


Morgan Albright:

  • Role: Protagonist

  • Description: A resilient and determined woman who becomes the target of a cold-hearted con artist and serial killer. Her journey from trauma to rebuilding is a central focus of the novel.

Gavin (Luke):

  • Role: Antagonist

  • Description: A cunning and sinister con artist who poses as Luke. Gavin targets women, steals their assets and identity, and commits murder as the culmination of his crimes. His descent into obsession adds a psychological layer to the story.

Brooks Gleason:

  • Role: Detective

  • Description: A dedicated detective who takes an interest in Morgan's case. He forms a deep bond with her as they navigate the complexities of the investigation and their own vulnerabilities.

Miles Jameson:

  • Role: Romantic Interest

  • Description: A man Morgan meets in Vermont as she tries to rebuild her life. Miles is not flashy or flirtatious, and his family has deep roots in the town. A slow-burning romance develops between him and Morgan.


  • Role: Morgan's Friend and Roommate

  • Description: Nina is Morgan's roommate and friend in Baltimore. Her tragic death at the hands of Gavin sets the events of the novel in motion.

Supporting Characters:

  • The novel features a range of supporting characters, including the residents of Bickford, Morgan's family in Vermont, and various individuals connected to the investigation. These characters add depth and richness to the narrative, contributing to the sense of community and interconnected lives in the story.

Plot and Pacing:

The plot is intricately crafted, blending suspenseful elements with moments of romance and personal growth. The pacing keeps readers engaged, with unexpected twists and turns that maintain tension throughout.


The small town of Vermont serves as a vivid and atmospheric backdrop. Roberts's detailed descriptions bring the community to life, enhancing the immersive reading experience.

Writing Style:

Nora Roberts's writing style is evocative and engaging. Her ability to balance suspense and romance, coupled with vivid imagery, creates a narrative that is both thrilling and emotionally resonant.


The novel's exploration of identity theft is grounded in realism, offering readers a glimpse into the devastating consequences of such crimes. Morgan's struggles and the portrayal of her attempts to rebuild her life add authenticity to the narrative.

Overall Impact:

"Identity" delivers a thought-provoking and emotionally charged reading experience. It explores the complexities of personal identity, the courage needed to confront the past, and the transformative power of love and resilience. The combination of suspense, romance, and well-crafted characters makes it a standout work within the romantic suspense genre.

5. Review

As an avid reader who's always on the lookout for a captivating blend of suspense, romance, and personal growth, Nora Roberts' "Identity" exceeded my expectations on every level. The novel masterfully navigates the complexities of personal identity, love, and the enduring power of community, making it a must-read for anyone seeking a thrilling yet emotionally resonant experience.

What sets "Identity" apart is its meticulous exploration of resilience in the face of adversity. The protagonist, Morgan Albright, is a character whose journey from the depths of trauma to the heights of self-discovery is both heart-wrenching and inspiring. The novel doesn't shy away from the harsh realities of identity theft, and Roberts's realistic portrayal of the consequences adds a layer of authenticity that kept me engrossed from the first page.

The small town setting of Bickford in Vermont adds a charming backdrop to the story, creating a vivid sense of community that becomes an integral part of the narrative. The characters, intricately developed and multifaceted, breathe life into the tale. Morgan's resilience, Detective Brooks Gleason's unwavering dedication, and the enigmatic Miles Jameson's slow-burning romance create a dynamic and engaging ensemble.

I wholeheartedly recommend "Identity" to readers who appreciate a well-crafted romantic suspense novel with a depth of emotion. If you enjoy stories that explore the human spirit's capacity for healing and transformation, this book is tailor-made for you. Roberts strikes a perfect balance between suspenseful plot twists and heartfelt moments, making it a compelling read for a broad audience.

What makes "Identity" truly worth the read is its universal themes. Whether you're a fan of suspenseful thrillers, heartfelt romances, or stories of personal growth, this book seamlessly weaves together these elements, creating an immersive experience that lingers in the mind long after the final page. Nora Roberts has once again proven her storytelling prowess, making "Identity" a literary journey that is not to be missed.

6. About the Author

Nora Roberts, born Eleanor Marie Robertson on October 10, 1950, in the serene town of Silver Spring, Maryland, has emerged as a luminary in the tapestry of American fiction. With a career spanning decades, she has authored over two hundred best-sellers, each a testament to her storytelling prowess and ability to captivate diverse audiences.

Under various pen names, including J. D. Robb in the enthralling In Death series, as well as Jill March and Sarah Hardesty for UK readers, Roberts has woven tales that traverse genres and ignite the imaginations of readers.

Her groundbreaking achievements include being the first woman inducted into the Romance Writers of America Hall of Fame. By 2011, her novels had collectively spent an astonishing 861 weeks on the New York Times Best-Sellers list, an impressive 176 of which claimed the coveted number one position.

The sheer scale of her literary influence is evident in the circulation of over 400 million copies of her books, with 2005 alone witnessing the sale of 12 million copies. Beyond being a prolific author, Nora Roberts is celebrated as a wordsmith who, with each stroke of her pen, breathes life into characters pulsating with energy and vitality.

7. Book Club Questions for Identity By Nora Roberts

Character Exploration: Discuss the evolution of Morgan Albright's character throughout the novel. How does her resilience shape her journey, and what aspects of her personality stood out to you the most?

Setting and Atmosphere: Explore the significance of the small town setting in Bickford, Vermont. How does the community add depth to the story, and in what ways does the atmosphere contribute to the overall reading experience?

Suspense and Thrills: Identity theft and a serial killer create a compelling backdrop for the story. Which suspenseful moments kept you on the edge of your seat? Were there any unexpected twists that surprised you?

Romance and Relationships: Analyze the romantic elements in the novel, particularly the relationships involving Morgan, Detective Brooks Gleason, and Miles Jameson. How did these dynamics enhance the overall narrative?

Themes of Resilience and Redemption: The book explores themes of resilience, personal growth, and the enduring power of love. How do these themes manifest in the characters' lives, and what messages about resilience did you take away from the story?

Community and Support: Discuss the role of community and support in Morgan's journey. How do her relationships with family, friends, and the Bickford community contribute to her healing and transformation?

Identity Theft Realism: Identity theft is a central theme in the book. How realistic did you find the portrayal of the consequences of identity theft? Did it prompt any reflections on personal security in the digital age?

Nora Roberts's Style: Nora Roberts is known for her immersive storytelling. How does her writing style contribute to the overall reading experience in "Identity"? Are there specific passages or descriptions that stood out to you?

Gavin's Perspective: The novel occasionally delves into Gavin Rozwell's perspective. How did these glimpses into the mind of the antagonist contribute to the suspense, and what did you think of the portrayal of his descent into obsession?

Ending and Closure: Without giving away spoilers, discuss your thoughts on the conclusion of the book. Did the resolution meet your expectations, and were you satisfied with the closure for the characters?

8. Reading Plan

Week 1: Pages 1-110

  • Day 1-2: Start with the opening chapters. Explore the introduction of Morgan's character and the initial setup in Bickford.

  • Day 3-4: Continue through the first major plot developments, including the introduction of the murder investigation and Detective Brooks Gleason.

  • Day 5-7: Conclude the week by discussing the evolving relationships between the characters and the emerging suspense.

Week 2: Pages 111-220

  • Day 8-10: Dive into the middle section of the book. Explore Abigail and Brooks's growing connection and the further development of the murder investigation.

  • Day 11-13: Analyze the role of the Bickford community and the atmospheric setting in shaping the story.

  • Day 14: Take note of any unexpected twists or revelations in the plot.

Week 3: Pages 221-330

  • Day 15-17: Delve into the intensifying suspense as the characters confront their fears and vulnerabilities.

  • Day 18-20: Explore the romantic elements and the chemistry between Morgan and Miles Jameson.

  • Day 21: Reflect on the themes of resilience and personal growth as you approach the final chapters.

Week 4: Pages 331-437

  • Day 22-24: Experience the climax and resolution of the suspenseful plot. Consider the choices and transformations the characters undergo.

  • Day 25-27: Reflect on Nora Roberts's writing style, the emotional journey of the characters, and the overall impact of the story.

  • Day 28: Conclude the reading plan with a discussion of the book's themes, characters, and any lingering questions.

9. Facts & Curiosities

Blend of Themes:

  • The book seamlessly blends elements of suspense, romance, and personal growth, offering readers a multifaceted and thought-provoking reading experience.

Gavin Rozwell's Perspective:

  • The occasional inclusion of Gavin Rozwell's perspective provides readers with insights into the mind of the antagonist, adding depth to the suspense and showcasing the psychological aspects of the story.

Genre Fusion:

  • The book falls under the genres of Romantic Suspense, blending elements of romance and suspenseful thriller.

10. FAQ

1. What is the main theme of "Identity"?

  • The novel explores themes of identity, resilience, trust, and the power of love in the face of danger and personal growth.

2. Are there any unique features in the narrative structure?

  • Gavin Rozwell, the antagonist, occasionally provides his perspective, offering readers insights into the mind of the villain.

3. What is the writing style of Nora Roberts in "Identity"?

  • Nora Roberts employs a vivid and atmospheric writing style, with detailed descriptions that bring the town, characters, and overall setting to life.

4. Are there unexpected twists and turns in the plot?

  • Yes, the book features unexpected twists and turns, keeping readers on the edge of their seats and adding to the overall suspense.

11. Books Related

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"The Obsession" by Nora Roberts

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"Stillhouse Lake" by Rachel Caine

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"The Lying Game" by Ruth Ware

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"Gone Girl" by Gillian Flynn

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"The Girl on the Train" by Paula Hawkins

  • Paula Hawkins's psychological thriller follows the intertwining lives of three women and explores themes of obsession, identity, and the impact of choices.

"Before I Go to Sleep" by S.J. Watson

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"The Woman in the Window" by A.J. Finn

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"The Good Girl" by Mary Kubica

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"In a Dark, Dark Wood" by Ruth Ware

  • Ruth Ware's suspenseful novel follows a weekend getaway gone wrong, as the protagonist must confront the secrets of her past.

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